Determining the potential for relocation to inland shipping

Did you know that inland shipping is the safest way to transport your cargo?

Flow Logistics determines all the ways to move your goods from the road or rail to water. Moving to water can significantly reduce the CO2 footprint of your transport chain, in addition to reducing freight costs.

A barge convoy corresponds to approximately 200 fully loaded trucks. Inland shipping is up to 70% more energy efficient. There are fewer delays and less traffic in cities via the waterway. The effort to obtain approvals is also significantly reduced or eliminated altogether.

Why Flow Logistics?

The greatest feeling of partnership lies in mutual appreciation.

High quality of service for our customers

Our offering is always based on the individual needs of the customer. World-class service is as important to us as it is to you.

All logistics processes in one place

We connect all relevant areas of inland shipping, including rail and road transport. Through our broad range of services, we enable our customers to provide comprehensive professional advice.

Short decision-making paths

By bundling logistics processes, no valuable time is lost when it comes to decision-making. We value your time.

Large network of industry partners

We work with renowned companies and industry experts. We make your logistics project a reality with our large network.

Developing innovative solutions

In the everyday life of logistics companies, unpredictable problems are always arising. We analyse these problems and offer our customers tailored solutions. This is how we continue to evolve our service. We want to be the best we can be for our customers.

Contact us today

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